12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Юлия Борисова1368

Final Control Work 3th form

Variant 1

Read the text and mark the right variants.

My name is Peter. I am from America. I am nine and I go to school. I live with my mother and sister. I like to play volleyball, ride a bike and to swim. I can swim well. I have got a rabbit and a dog. My dog’s name is Rex. My rabbit’s name is Max.

Peter is from Wales.

He likes to play volleyball.

Peter does not like ride a bike.

He cannot swim.

His rabbit’s name is Rex.

Choose the right word.

1/ (You/your) ______can see a dog. (Her/she)______ name is Betty.

2/ (I/my)______ name is Tom. I’m a schoolboy.

3/ It is Tom. He is on the farm. (He/his)______ sheep are on the farm too.

4/ Pat is a doll. It is (it/its)______ dollhouse.

5/ Sally is a nurse. (she/her)_______ is old.

Make the plurals.

a cat - __________ a rose - ____________ a box - _________________

a bus - __________ a mouse - __________ a sheep - ______________

Make the right sentences.

1. he /does/a/ family/ have/ big/? _____________________________________

2. school/ you/do/at/ have/friends/? _________________________________________

Write what you can do, cannot do, can do, but not very well; what you do on different weekdays. (5 sentences)

Final Control Work 3th form

Variant 2

1/ Read the text and mark the right variants.

My name is Peter. I am from America. I am nine and I go to school. I live with my mother and sister. I like to play volleyball, ride a bike and to swim. I can swim well. I have got a rabbit and a dog. My dog’s name is Rex. My rabbit’s name is Max.

Peter is from England.

He doesn’t like to play volleyball.

Peter does not like ride a bike.

He can swim very well.

His rabbit’s name is Wax.

2.Choose the right word.

1/ My dad (read/reads) ________ thin books.

2/ They (ride/rides) ___________ their bikes in the evening.

3/ Rex (jump/jumps) _________ and (run/runs)_______ in the park.

4/ Her parents (speak/speaks) ___________ French very well.

5/ I (have/has)________ three horses but Sally (have/has) _______ two.

3.Make the plurals.

a bus - __________ a mouse - __________ a sheep - ______________

a man - __________ a child - ____________ a cinema - _____________

4. Make the right sentences.

1. he /does/a/ car/ have/ green/? _____________________________________

2. friends/school/I/at/ have/not/? _________________________________________

5.Write what you can do, cannot do, can do, but not very well; what you do on different weekdays. (5 sentences)


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